
The Conscientious Objectors’ stoppage of work was a success
Streik der Kriegsdienstverweigerer erfolgreich

Approximately 700-900 Conscientious Objectors were absent from their places of service today. The reason behind the stoppage of work was to bring up the serious shortcomings in the law regarding the conscientious objecting. The primary demands of the strikers’ were shorter service time, to put the serviceplace situation in order and to be exempt from military tasks also during a possible war time.

Some of the COs on strike spent their day doing voluntary work to help the refugees from Kosovo. Activities, including information tents and a Food Not Bombs -happening, were organised in different parts of Finland.

Further information:

Union of Conscientious Objectors - Finland
Peace Station, Veturitori 3
FIN-00520 Helsinki

Tel.: +358 - 9 - 14 04 27
Fax: +358 - 9 - 14 72 97
Email: akl@aseistakieltaytyjaliitto.fi
Web: http://www.aseistakieltaytyjaliitto.fi

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