New total objectors in Finland
Neue Totalverweigerer in Finland
The lenght of the sentence is half of the (civil) service he
has refused to do (maximum 197 days, if one does no service).
Total objectors who refuse directly from the military forces without
applying for civilian service are also often sentenced for desertion
to suspended imprisonment. In May there were 15 total objector
in the Finnish prisons.
Teppo Salonen
Helsingin työsiirtola
PL 36
01531 Vantaa
Juan Meneses
Suomenlinnan tyosiirtola
Suomenlinnan C 86
00190 Helsinki
Mikko Suonpaa
Suomenlinnan tyosiirtola
Suomenlinnan C 86
00190 Helsinki
Mikko Juhanantti
Uudenmaan avovankilaosasto
PL 20
05401 Jokela
Mika Iisakka
Iskolan avovankilaosasto
PL 2
74345 Kalliosuo
Kai Hall
Suomenlinnan tyosiirtola
Suomenlinna C 86
00190 Helsinki
Harri Mulari
Keravan nuorisovankila
Lahdentie 711
04201 Kerava
Jan Hellsten
Satakunnan avovankila/Huittisten osasto
PL 50
32701 Huittinen
Juri Rosenberg
Satakunnan avovankila/Koylion osasto
PL 5
27750 Yttila
(19.1.-99 - 13.7.-99)
Further information:
Union of Conscientious Objectors - Finland
Peace Station, Veturitori 3
FIN-00520 Helsinki
Tel.: +358 - 9 - 14 04 27
Fax: +358 - 9 - 14 72 97
Email: akl@aseistakieltaytyjaliitto.fi
Web: http://www.aseistakieltaytyjaliitto.fi
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